The world of mobs is huge with 64 different mobs in Bedrock Edition
Passive mobs are mobs that will not attack you whether provoked or not. They will in fact run away from you when hit.
Sheep are a white and tan mob that drops a piece of wool and mutton when killed. This mob can be sheared to get wool continuously. Sheep can also be dyed to any of the 16 colors in minecraft.
Cows are a brown and gray mob that can drop beef and leather when killed. This mob is excellent for XP farming since this mob gives the most XP of any passive mob.
Foxes are some of the cutest animals in the game. Although these cute little creatures can make great pets, they can also pick up items which can be unhelpful if you need that item. Many people in Minecraft have figured out a trick to this though ,if they give the fox a really important item and they accidently die then the fox can teleport to them and give them their item back.(can be tamed using berries)
Bats are an odd mob with no purpose but to add to the look of a more realistic cave experience
Chickens are a white, yellow, and red passive mob that can drop feathers and chicken.
Cod are a tan fish that drops raw cod and then you can cook the fish and eat it. Another thing you can do with this mob is pick up the fish in a water bucket and ou can carry the fisha nd it won't despawn. You can also move the fish to another location using the water bucket.
Ocelots are a tamable passive mob that you can feed fish to. These passive mobs do not drop any items.
Pigs are a mob with many uses. Pigs drop porkchops which can be eaten. Although most people use horses as a means of tranport,you can use pigs too. By putting a saddle on a pig and using a carrot on a stick you can travel around the map.
Rabbits are a very cute mob but they can get crazy when your Rabbit is turned into a Killer Bunny. The command for making a Killer Bunny is "/summon rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99}" take away the quote marks of course. There are also many different colors of rabbits mainly depending on the biome.
Will finish in the future thanks for checking out this page
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